Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Acting Company - missing assignments!

I am missing the following assignments from the following people! If you have not e-mailed them to me by Thursday 12/11 at noon, then you're outta luck! (For vouchers, which I cannot accept past 12/9, see post below.)

HW #5: Arrighi, Cabrera, Dost, Hastings, Heikes, Labossiere, Monteiro, Puranen, Silvia-Chandley, Williams
Chapter 3 Quiz: Williams
HW #6: Monteiro, Silvia-Chandley
HW #7: Chehy, Golub (part 2), Hastings (part 3), Heikes, Labossiere, Monteiro, J. Perez, Silvia-Chandley (parts 2 and 3), Wheaton, Williams, Zane (part 1)
HW #8: Arrighi, Bretti, Chehy, Hastings, Heikes, Labossiere, Milton, Monteiro, Puranen, Silvia-Chandley, Wheaton, Williams

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